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Bu teknolojilerin kullanımı başta 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVK Kanunu”) olmak üzere tabi olduğumuz mevzuata uygun şekilde gerçekleştirilmektedir.

İşbu Çerez Aydınlatma Metninin amacı, Platformların kullanımı esnasında kullanılmakta olan çerez ve piksel gibi kişisel verilerin toplanması yoluyla kişisel verilerin işlenmesi nedeniyle elde edilen kişisel verilerin işlenmesine ilişkin olarak sizlere bilgi vermektir. İşbu metinde sitemizde ve uygulamamızda hangi amaçlarla hangi tür çerezleri kullandığımızı ve bu çerezleri nasıl kontrol edebileceğinizi sizlere açıklamak istiyoruz.

Şirket olarak sitemizde ve uygulamamızda kullandığımız çerezleri kullanmaktan vazgeçebilir, bunların türlerini veya fonksiyonlarını değiştirebilir veya sitemize ve uygulamamızda yeni çerezler ekleyebiliriz. Dolayısıyla işbu Çerez Aydınlatma Metninin hükümlerini dilediğimiz zaman değiştirme hakkını saklı tutarız. Güncel Çerez Aydınlatma Metni üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş olan her türlü değişiklik sitede, uygulamada veya herhangi bir kamuya açık mecrada yayınlanmakla birlikte yürürlük kazanacaktır. Son güncelleme tarihini metnin sonunda bulabilirsiniz.... 

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Homepage » Technical Partners » Milestone

SPRVSR+ Plug-In Integration with XProtect

The development of technology has facilitated the construction of large and complex structures and has created the need to manage different mechanical and electronic systems such as elevators, security cameras, card passes in these buildings from a single center. Open platforms that offer solutions to this need have increased their importance with the technology partnerships of companies that are experts in their fields.

Being a solution partner of Milestone Systems, who has been designing video management systems for more than 20 years, has made an important difference in ensuring the safety of life and property against fires that may occur in the locations where smart building technology is used.

Mavili’s Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Plug-In software has been integrated into Milestone Systems’ open platform which is called XProtect. Thanks to the SPRVSR+ Plug-In, detailed map and device information of the location can be monitored and controlled via Xprotect software.

◗ Graphical display of Maxlogic & Mavigard brand fire detection and alarm devices on the floor plan

◗ Access to detailed map and device information of the location

◗ Ability to realize all interventions that can be made with the panel

◗ Switching between maps automatically as well as manually

◗ In case of fire, fire information is displayed on the screen as pop-up message

◗ Displaying the location with fire information from the cameras that match the device where the fire alarm is coming from.

Records of all events occurring in the system are displayed on the alarm viewer in the “Live” section in the upper left corner. For these event logs, filtering can be made according to different criteria such as date, time, event status and severity.

in the “Live” section in the upper left corner. For these event logs, filtering can be made according to different criteria such as date, time, event status and severity. In case of fire; Information about the fire is displayed in the form of a pop-up at the bottom right of the screen. The matched camera or cameras are automatically turned on at the bottom when the fire alarm signal comes from matched device.

After the fire information is received, the system is

intervened in two different ways.

1) Via the Alarm, Silence Alarm, Silence Buzzer, and Reset buttons in the Devices menu,

2) Other one is remote control operation by accessing the interface of the panel on the map.

With the cooperation of Mavili Elektronik and Milestone Systems; It is now much easier to ensure security in areas where smart building technology is used.

Product Code Description


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control Android Software using cost, 1 user
ML-1634.5 Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control Android Software using cost, 5 user
ML-1634.10 Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control Android Software using cost, 10 user


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control IOS Software using cost, 1 user
ML-1635.5 Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control IOS Software using cost, 5 user

Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control IOS Software using cost, 10 user


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Plug-In Graphical Monitoring Software Using cost, XProtect Integration

Product Code Description


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Master USB Dongle


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Slave USB Dongle


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Plug-In USB Dongle using cost, XProtect Authorization