* The ISO 9001 quality management system of Mavili Elektronik A.S; has been audited by LPCB (Loss Prevention Certification Board) and TÜRK LOYDU organizations and its compliance has been documented with ISO 9001:2015 certificate.
* TS EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017 Information Security Management System that we are implementing, inspected by by VeriCert Belgelendirme ve Gözetim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.” and its compliance has been documented with TS EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017 certificate.
* Our Fire Alarm System products have TS EN 54 and our gas detectors have TS EN 50194 certificates.
* Our Fire Detection and Alarm System products have been awarded EN 54 and CPR certificates by LPCB and Dedal, and our quality has been approved by international accredited organizations.
* OUR SERVICES are awarded with TS 12849 for Place of Service and After Sales Service Qualification certificate.
* All marine products have, TURK LOYDU (SOLAS 74 and FSS) and MED (WHEELMARK) type approval certificate.
* According to the Zero Waste Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 12/07/2019 and numbered 30829, we established the Zero Waste Management System in our Gebze factory and were entitled to receive the Zero Waste Certificate.
* Our products have Customs Union Conformity Certificates (EAC Certificates) confirming their compliance with approved regulations within the Eurasian Economic Union region.
* Our intrinsically safe products have ATEX certificates obtained from Exveritas.
* Our products have Licenses for Usage from Ministries of many countries.

Management of Mavili Elektronik Tic. ve San. A.Ş. has commitment to:
Meet customer expectations with the designs according to national and international standards,
Manufactured products must be high-quality, functional, reliable, durable, aesthetic and cost-effective,
Realize projects in accordance within national and international standards and regulations,
All kinds of services to our customers, including after sales services will be faultless and on time,
Our actions supported by training and equipment are performed with qualified personnel,
Improve to the highest level of customer satisfaction,
Quality policy has been adopted in compliance with the requirements and continual improvement of the quality management system by considering risk and opportunities.

With the implementation of this policy, MAVİLİ ELEKTRONİK TİCARET VE SANAYİ top management manufactures in the electronics sector with the vision of providing quality and timely solutions to the demands and needs of its customers, while the Information Security Management System to be established as one of the requirements of the continuation and development of sustainable competitiveness and information assets in terms of confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. It aims and declares to fulfill the following basic principles required for its protection, continuity and sustainability.
• Providing the necessary participation and support in order to ensure compliance with the standard terms and requirements of the Information Security Management System,
• The Republic of Turkey’s laws, regulations, circulars, contracts and business customers that require the provision of work consistent with the requirements established by legislation,
• Providing the necessary support for the measures to be taken against unauthorized use, disclosure and damage of all information assets within the scope,
• Providing the necessary support and contribution to the studies to be carried out to reduce the detected risks to acceptable levels by evaluating the risks on information assets,
• Providing the necessary support to the planning to be made for the regular provision of awareness programs to the employees and supplier employees when they are relevant, which will increase the awareness of information security of the personnel and encourage them to contribute to the operation of the system,
• Providing the necessary support for the studies to be carried out to detect, report, close and prevent any real or suspected violations of information security incidents,
• Providing the necessary support and contribution to ensure continuous access to information at the planned levels by ensuring business continuity
• Providing the necessary resources to be determined for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the Information Security Management System, integrating the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System into our company’s business processes, we will try to take into account information security requirements at every stage.