In the previous article, we talked about the revision in the detection radius of smoke and heat detectors with the EN 54-14 2018 version. With this change, the design of the detectors in the corridors has also changed.

According to the 2018 version, in cases where the corridor width is less than 2m, smoke detectors should be placed at maximum 12.4m intervals. In the previous version, this distance was 15 meters. In cases where the corridor width is more than 2m, smoke detectors should be placed approximately 10m apart.

Likewise, according to the EN 54-14 current version, in cases where the corridor width is less than 2m, the heat detectors should be placed at maximum 9m intervals. In the previous version, this distance was 10 meters. In cases where the corridor width is more than 2m, the heat detectors should be placed approximately 7m apart.

In the current EN 54-14 standard, a revision has been made regarding the installation of detectors in sloping ceilings.
According to the old version of EN 54-14, if the ratio of “h” and “H” is less than 5%, the ceiling is considered flat and the detectors are mounted according to the detection radius values specified in the standard. If the ratio of “h” and “H” is greater than 5%, the ceiling is accepted as inclined and the detectors are mounted by increasing the detection radius of the detectors by 1% for each degree of the ceiling slope. Detection radius values can be increased up to 25% at most.

According to the current version of the EN 54-14 standard, if the difference between the top and bottom of the sloped ceiling is less than 60cm; considered flat ceiling and the detectors are mounted according to their radius values. According to the current version of the EN 54-14 standard, if the difference between the top and bottom of the sloped ceiling is less than 60cm; considered flat ceiling and the detectors are mounted according to their radius values.
As you can see, flat ceiling acceptance criteria have been updated with the new version while designing. Similarly, the detector placement in the corridors has been revised in accordance with the current detection radius. While designing, we must take into account the current EN 54-14 standard and design fire detection systems accordingly.