In the previous article, we talked about the revision regarding the use of smoke and heat detectors in corridors with the EN 54-14 standard of 2018 version. In addition, we informed about the change in detector mounting on sloping ceilings.

In the current EN 54-14 Standard, it is stated that if the detector is placed 0.5m closer to any air inlet or in an area where the air flow is more than 0.5m / s, special attention should be paid to the effects of air flow on the detector. Accordingly, we should make sure that the detector is at least 0.5 meters away from ventilation grilles, air conditioning, etc. In addition, the air flow at the point where the detector is located should not be higher than 0.5 m / s. In the old version of the standard these values were 1 meter and 1m / s.

In the first article, we mentioned that the detection radius of optical smoke detectors decreased from 7.5 meters to 6.2 meters. Similarly, the detection radius of beam type smoke detectors has decreased from 7.5 meters to 6.2 metersThis means that a set of beam detectors with transceivers is scanning an area of 12.4 meters instead of 15 meters transverse. Since the distance between the beam units can be a maximum of 100 meters, the maximum detection area of beam type smoke detectors is 1240m². This area was 1500m² in the previous version of the standard.

In the current EN 54-14 standard, only the items related to detector placement have changed. Revision has also been made on the placement of the manual call points. According to the old version of the EN 54-14 standard, manual call points could be installed between 1.2 m and 1.6 m above the floor level. In the current EN 54-14 standard, it is stated that the manual call points should be mounted at a height of 0.9 m to 1.4 meters from the ground.

As can be seen, revisions have been made in many subjects in the updated EN 54-14 standard. When designing fire detection systems, the current version of the standard must be considered.