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SPRVSR+ Plug-In Integration with HikCentral

Hikvision and Mavili Elektronik’s R&D teams collaborated together and integrated Maxlogic & Mavigard brand fire alarm system to Hikcentral software.

With the Sprvsr+ Plug-in, which was added to the HikCentral program, allows different systems to be controlled from a single center, it has been facilitated to ensure safety of life and property against fire.

◗ In the Sprvsr+ Plug-In software, configuration options such as adding maps, addressable system devices and application settings are performed with the Sprvsr+ software.

◗ With Mavili Fire Center, Maxlogic & Mavigard brand fire detection devices in the building can be displayed graphically on the floor plan.

◗ Adding IP cameras, device camera mapping can be done easily from HikCentral’s “WebClient” interface.

◗ HikCentral IP cameras can be matched with the devices in the addressable system configuration.

◗ Sprvsr+ Plug-In software sends information to the HikCentral software when a fire alarm is detected, enabling live view from the relevant IP cameras.

◗ The licensing of Sprvsr+ Plug-in software is done by dongle. A dongle must be obtained to run the software.

It can easily manage Maxlogic & Mavigard brand fire detection systems with the “Fire Center” button on Hikcentral software.

In case of fire alarm, users can both examine the camera images from the CCTV system and determine the location of the alarm on the map.

In addition, the operator can remotely control the fire alarm system.

Live images can be taken from IP cameras with matched detectors.

When the system is started, fire events coming from the addressable system are transmitted from Sprvsr+ Plug-In to HikCentral. The transmitted alarm is displayed in the HikCentral “Alarm Center” window.

Nowadays, where smart building technology is widely used, roof software, which offers the opportunity to manage different systems from a single center, is increasing importantly. In case of fire, it is vital to learn, monitor and respond to the event immediately.

Product Code Description


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control Android Software using cost, 1 user
ML-1634.5 Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control Android Software using cost, 5 user
ML-1634.10 Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control Android Software using cost, 10 user


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control IOS Software using cost, 1 user
ML-1635.5 Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control IOS Software using cost, 5 user

Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Control IOS Software using cost, 10 user


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Plug-In Graphical Monitoring Software Using cost, HikCentral Integration

Product Code Description


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Master USB Dongle


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Slave USB Dongle


Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Plug-In USB Dongle using cost, HikCentral Authorization