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İşbu Çerez Aydınlatma Metninin amacı, Platformların kullanımı esnasında kullanılmakta olan çerez ve piksel gibi kişisel verilerin toplanması yoluyla kişisel verilerin işlenmesi nedeniyle elde edilen kişisel verilerin işlenmesine ilişkin olarak sizlere bilgi vermektir. İşbu metinde sitemizde ve uygulamamızda hangi amaçlarla hangi tür çerezleri kullandığımızı ve bu çerezleri nasıl kontrol edebileceğinizi sizlere açıklamak istiyoruz.

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Intrinsically Safe Conventional Fire Detectors


Homepage » Our Products » Industrial Gas Detection and Alarm Systems » Intrinsically Safe Conventional Fire Detectors

It is specially designed for areas with high risks where ATEX certification is required, and where precise and stable detection performance is crucial. Maximum protection is achieved with the easy installation and user-friendly design of the ML-21XX.IS series fire detectors.

◗ Compatible with EN 54-5 and EN 54-7 standards.

◗ Designed for use in hazardous environments, intrinsically safe (I.S) and compliant with the EN IEC 60079-0:2018, EN 60079-11:2012, and EN ISO/IEC 80079-34:2020 standards.

◗ IP 20 protection level

◗ Parallel indicator lamb output

◗ 2 red LEDs (stay continuously lit in alarm condition), in normal operation, they flash once every 8 seconds (for 1ms), and in case of a fault (pollution or measurement error), they flash twice.

◗ “Dual LEDs providing a 360° field of view.

◗ Microprocessor Controlled Design

◗ Compatible with ML-0140.IS series bases.

Maxlogic Conventional Optical Smoke Detector, Intrinsically Safe

ML-2110.IS intrinsically safe optical smoke detectors operate on the principle of light diffusion/reflection. If smoke enters the optical chamber, the fire is detected when the light beams sent from the transmitter hit the smoke particles and fall onto the receiver, generating a fire signal.

Maxlogic Conventional Combined Heat Detector, Intrinsically Safe

ML-2130.IS intrinsically safe combined heat detectors detect and interpret ambient temperature using a thermistor. If the ambient temperature reaches 60°C or if a temperature increase specified in EN 54-5 standard occurs, a fire is detected, and a fire signal is generated. It is a A1R class heat detector.

Maxlogic Conventional Multisensor (Optical Smoke + Heat) Detector, Intrinsically Safe

ML-2140.IS intrinsically safe multisensor detectors detect and interpret ambient temperature using a thermistor and the quantity of smoke in the environment using an optical chamber and transmitter-receiver pair. If the ambient temperature reaches 60°C or if a temperature increase specified in the EN 54-5 standard occurs, and/or if smoke is present in the optical chamber, a fire is detected, and a fire signal is generated.

Product Code Description
ML-2110.IS Maxlogic Conventional System Photoelectric Smoke Detector, Intrinsically Safe
ML-2120.IS Maxlogic Conventional System A1S Fixed Heat Detector
ML-2130.IS Maxlogic Conventional System A1R Rate of Rise Heat Detector, Intrinsically Safe
ML-2140.IS Maxlogic Conventional System Multisensor (Photoelectric Smoke + Heat) Detector, Intrinsically Safe
ML-0140.IS Maxlogic Detector Mounting Base, Intrinsically Safe

You can find the connection diagram (DWG) of the product here.

You can find the connection diagram (PDF) of the product here.

You can find the connection diagram (REVİT) of the product here.