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SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Management Software


Homepage » Our Products » Graphical Monitoring and Management Software » SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Management Software

Sprvsr+; it is a user-friendly software, developed for remote monitoring and management of Maxlogic addressed systems and other systems.

Sprvs+; is provides various methods for analysis with event filters by keeping records of all activities (fires, faults, user interventions, etc.) related to the fire alarm system.

◗ At the time of the event; the type of event, date, time, etc. can be sent by SMS or e-mail with instant or daily reporting containing information.

◗ 1000 networks, each consisting of 64 panels, can be monitored.

◗ Event log viewing, recording and printing options

◗ Devices can be controlled manually on the map

◗ Thanks to the “Easy Indicator” screen in the Sprvsr+ program, it is possible to perform control operations such as follow-up, reminder creation, database backup and restore.

◗ Contamination control can be activated/deactivated. Measurement periods can be determined.

◗ Using the simulation option; control of maps, devices and system operation can be achieved with an unreal fire event

◗ SPRVSR+ software works software-integrated with rooftop software and Building Management Systems (BMS).

◗ Thanks to the Android / IOS software, the user does not need to be at the computer to control and monitor the fire alarm system.

Maxlogic SPRVSR + Graphical Monitoring and Management Android / IOS Software

Thanks to SPRVSR+ Android / IOS applications, fire events occurring in the fire alarm system can be monitored and controlled graphically via mobile devices. It is possible to switch between maps during the fire alarm.

◗ Sending automatic or manual notification messages to LAN or remote computers defined in IP address in case of fire with Android / IOS software

◗ With user-based filtering feature, the user can choose to see the fire events in the network structured panels and devices connected to the panels partially or completely.

◗ Via the Android / IOS software, the warning message can be displayed automatically as a map at the time of the event.

SPRVSR+ Software Features
SPRVSR+ Master – Slave Functioning

◗ There must be at least one Sprvsr + master in the system in order to perform important operations such as starting connections with all GCUs from a single channel and to perform remote control and control operations.

◗ While operations such as communication, monitoring and control with all GCU connections can be done on the computer with the Master Sprvsr + software, monitoring and some restricted control operations can be done on the computer with the Slave Sprvsr + software installed.

◗ In situations requiring intervention, Silence Alarm, Alarm etc. commands can also be sent via Sprvsr+.

◗ Maxlogic Sprvsr+ Graphical Monitoring and Management Software; Maxlogic addressed panels are point-based, and other brands of panels are panel-based; It allows remote monitoring, control and storage of event logs.

Contamination control periods can be determined for the detectors.

At the time of the event; SMS or E-mail can be sent with instant or daily reporting including the type, date, time, etc. of the event.

In the event of a fire, the location of fire can be monitored via the IP camera system.

By adding the maps where the devices are located on maps in the Sprvsr+ software, it is possible to monitor the location graphically at the time of the event. It can be determined point by point on which device the alarm signal comes from.

The development of technology has facilitated the construction of large and complex structures, and it has led to the need to manage different mechanical and electronic systems such as elevators, security cameras, card passes in these buildings from a single center. Open platforms that offer solutions to this need have increased their importance with the technology partnership of expert companies.

Mavili’s BMS (Building Management System), VMS (Video Management System) etc. Integration with smart technology product framework software is preferred to prevent increasing security risks in such places. There are world-renowned solution partners that provide ease of monitoring/management and time savings to the user by bringing together the multi-management of the systems on a single platform. Maxlogic SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Management Software integrates with “Plug-In” level framework software, providing a progressive and safe solution for fire protection of spaces.

With Android / IOS software, the user does not need to be at the computer to control and monitor the fire alarm system.

Product code Description
ML-1633.1.01 SPRVSR + Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 1 panel
ML-1633.1.02 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 2 panel
ML-1633.1.04 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 4 panel
ML-1633.1.08 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 8 panel
ML-1633.1.16 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 16 panel
ML-1633.1.32 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 32 panel
ML-1633.1.64 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 64 panel
ML-1633.1.128 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 128 panel
ML-1633.1.256 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 256 panel
ML-1633.1.512 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 512 panel
ML-1633.1.1024 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 1024 panel
ML-1633.1.2048 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 2048 panel
ML-1633.1.4096 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 4096 panel
ML-1633.1.8192 SPRVSR+ Master Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 8192 panel
Product code Description
ML-1633.2.01 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 1 panel
ML-1633.2.02 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 2 panel
ML-1633.2.04 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 4 panel
ML-1633.2.08 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 8 panel
ML-1633.2.16 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 16 panel
ML-1633.2.32 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 32 panel
ML-1633.2.64 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 64 panel
ML-1633.2.128 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 128 panel
ML-1633.2.256 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 256 panel
ML-1633.2.512 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 512 panel
ML-1633.2.1024 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 1024 panel
ML-1633.2.2048 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 2048 panel
ML-1633.2.4096 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 4096 panel
ML-1633.2.8192 SPRVSR+ Slave Graphical Monitoring and Management Software for 8192 panel
Product code Description
ML-1635.1 SPRVSR+ Graphical Monitoring and Management IOS Software
ML-1635.5 SPRVSR+ Graphic Monitoring and Management IOS Software, 5 Users
ML-1635.10 SPRVSR+ Graphic Monitoring and Management IOS Software, 10 Users
Product code Description
ML-1634.1 SPRVSR+ Graphic Monitoring and Management Android Software
ML-1634.5 SPRVSR+ Graphic Monitoring and Management Android Software, 5 users
ML-1634.10 SPRVSR+ Graphic Monitoring and Management Android Software, 10 users