Crowcon, founded in the UK in 1970, is one of the leading manufacturers of “gas detection” technology. From refineries to gas stations, from petrochemical industry to paint workshops, from sewer networks to landfills, it manufactures the most sensitive devices and systems for any place or condition where there is a danger of explosive, toxic or suffocating gas. As Mavili Electronics A.Ş. ; We use Crowcon brand products with peace of mind.
Listec is the first brand that comes to mind when it said cable type heat sensor with electronic sensor used in cold storage units, cable galleries, fotovoltaik Systems, heavy industries, subways and tunnels and more applications in 5 continent of the world. As Mavili Elektronik A.Ş., We proud to have this german branded quality Listec with in our products.
Spectrex is a world leader in the development and application of optical flame and gas detection systems. Spetrex’s flame detectors are preferred for early detection in environments with flammable and explosive risks, from petrochemical plants to aircraft hangars, due to their unique product quality and performance. As Mavili Electronics A.Ş. We keep Spetrex among our brands and use its products safely in our projects.
Crowcon, 1970 yılında İngiltere’de kurulan, “gaz algılama” teknolojisinin lider üreticilerinden biridir. Rafinerilerden benzin istasyonlarına, petrokimya sanayisinden boya atölyelerine, kanalizasyon şebekelerinden çöp depolama sahalarına kadar hangi mekan veya şartta patlayıcı, zehirli veya boğucu gaz tehlikesi varsa, o mekan için en duyarlı cihaz ve sistemleri üretmektedir. Mavili Elektronik A.Ş. olarak; Crowcon marka ürünleri gönül rahatlığı ile kullanıyoruz.